L-I-F-E and prayer: thanking our supporters

The work of MTS is made possible by many generous and faithful Christians, who give of themselves to ensure that gospel workers can be raised up and trained.

And it’s not all about money! In fact, some of MTS’ most valuable support comes in a variety of other forms. Let’s take a look, using the L-I-F-E framework.

L: Labour

Many people have laboured with and for MTS, going above and beyond to make the ministry possible. At MTS Recruit this year, we saw a number of examples of this:

  • Neve, a 78-year-old builder, gave a day of his time to help build the backdrop for the videos
  • Chloe spent 50-60 hours making the livestream work so smoothly
  • Andy, who was assigned to look after speaker Ray Galea during the conference, decided to read Ray’s book Nothing in My Hand I Bring before the conference to get to know Ray better

I: Influence and introductions

MTS has been able to grow over the past few decades thanks to the introductions and influence that people have offered. Here are just a few examples:

  • A faithful friend introduced us to a pastor in Italy who is now connected to the ministry and thinking about how MTS could happen in his country
  • A local minister introduced us to a wealthy CEO who tuned in to MTS Recruit and gave a generous donation
  • A committed supporter owns a film studio and allows MTS to use it at a low cost when we need to produce materials

F: Finances

Of course, financial giving is important to keep the MTS ministry going. We are deeply thankful for all our generous donors and those who enable us to receive the funding we need, but here a few examples that have stood out to us in recent years:

  • Denny, a single dad with many important financial commitments, has started giving to MTS because he sees the value of the ministry
  • Michael, a kind friend, has left a bequest to MTS in his will that will shore up the ministry in the long term
  • A slightly different example, but the state member for Kogarah, Chris Minns, enabled the MTS Head Office to receive a Community Building Fund grant to build an upgraded server

E: Expertise

Many people have lent their expertise to MTS over the years, without expecting any payment in return. We’re so grateful to all those who have shared their knowledge and skills with us, including these examples:

  • Phil, an online education consultant who has helped us develop our library of training materials
  • Doug, who has used his expertise in international roll-outs to help MTS expand internationally
  • Kirsty, a board member who offers her expertise in HR to support the staff of MTS

Let’s not forget prayer!

Above all us, we are thankful to all those who pray so faithfully for MTS. For those who read PartnerNews, who subscribe to the feed on PrayerMate, who pray for the apprentice at their church, who pray for the staff in Head Office, who pray every day or once a year – all your prayers are powerful under God.

Thank you for your support of MTS, however that looks. You are having a truly meaningful impact on the training and development of gospel workers.