Sarah Cumming

Sarah Cumming

Sarah Cumming

$31,500.00 raised at 24 Jul 2024
6 month target at 24 Jul 2024 $18,500.00
24 month target $74,000.00

Maitland Evangelical Church | Trainer: Erich Serediuk

Hey, I’m Sarah. I chose to finish up in my marketing role at the end of 2023 to start a ministry apprenticeship with Maitland Evangelical Church in January 2024. I have been challenged and encouraged by Jesus giving up everything for me and over the past few years God has been giving me more of a passion for sharing his gospel. I am excited to be able to commit to full time ministry over the next two years where I can share the gospel, serve in our church and grow and mature in my faith.

My latest prayer newsletter:

Prayer Points

  • Please be praying for me as I start in the new year that God will be growing and maturing me in my faith
  • Please pray for the ministries I’ll be serving in, like youth ministry, evangelism and night church serving that God will be at work and growing his kingdom through these ministries
  • Please pray that I’ll be able to get the financial support I need to be able to do ministry
  • If you would like to sign up to my prayer newsletter please go to this link:

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