Maisie Jonker

Maisie Jonker

Maisie Jonker

$30,599.97 raised at 10 Jan 2025
12 month target at 10 Jan 2025 $53,400.00
36 month target $160,200.00

Christ Community Church | Trainer: Sam Miller

I’m about to begin my MTS apprenticeship with Uni Impact, a ministry of Christ Community Church. I will also be studying part time at Queensland Theological College.

Uni Impact was the main driver for my discipleship and maturity during my uni years, and I am excited to now play a part in discipling and sharing the gospel with students at the University of Queensland.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to be intentionally trained and equipped over the next couple of years and look forward to what God is doing in my life and in the lives of those around me. My prayer is that the Lord will use me to build his kingdom, for the glory of God alone.

Thank you for your support in both prayer and finance!

Prayer Points

  • Pray for my personal walk with God, that I would be in communion with him daily, in scripture and in prayer. Would I lean not on my own understanding.
  • Pray that I would be diligent in my studies and eager to learn throughout my apprenticeship. May I remain willing to be grown and shaped as God teaches me more about himself.
  • Pray for Christ Community Church, the Uni Impact staff team, and those that will be leading me. May they be guided by the Spirit and would God grant them wisdom and understanding.
  • Pray for the students involved in Uni Impact, and praise God for recent salvations. Would students be established in their faith and continue to grow in maturity and love for the Lord.
  • Pray that God would prepare the hearts of students to hear the gospel. May his will be done!

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