Jessie Wong

Jessie Wong

Jessie Wong

City Bible Forum Brisbane | Trainer: Mark Leong

Hey everyone, my name’s Jessie and over the next two years I will be doing a 2-year ministry apprenticeship with City Bible Forum (CBF).

Since starting my career in radiography in 2021, I have grown a passion for seeing my workplace as a mission field and God in his kindness has provided lots of opportunities for me to share the gospel with my colleagues. City bible forum and Headstart have played a significant role in helping me to think through how to live out my faith in the workplace and I am so excited to be doing the same for other young workers. My hope is that through growing in character, conviction and competency, I will be better equipped for a lifetime of service to God whether that be in full time ministry or back in the workplace.

Although this is all very exciting, it is also not something I can do alone. If you would like to support and journey with me over the next two years, there are three things you can do (in the form of 3 P’s). I’d like to give you all permission to check up on me and ask me how it is going, it’ll be such an encouragement especially in times when I face the hardships and struggles that are part and parcel of ministry. I’d appreciate your prayers and you can keep in the loop through receiving my email newsletters and lastly, I’d love for you guys to prayerfully consider financially partnering with me.

Thanks all and I look forward to walking alongside you over the next two years of my apprenticeship and beyond.

Prayer Points

  • Please pray that God will help me to rely on him as I adjust to this big change
  • Praise God for how he has worked in my heart so far to get me up to this point and that he will continue to work in my heart over the next two years as I seek to grow in character, conviction and competency

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