Jascie Wong

Jascie Wong

Jascie Wong

$39,074.50 raised at 14 Feb 2025
13 month target at 14 Feb 2025 $40,083.33
24 month target $74,000.00

Grace Christian Community | Trainer: Tim Grant

Hi all! My name is Jascie. I am married to my husband Clement and we currently attend Grace Christian Community in Box Hill South. 

By doing an MTS apprenticeship, I hope to discern, together with my trainers Pastor Tim Grant and his wife Belinda Grant, whether or not I am suitable for vocational gospel ministry. I also hope to continue to grow in my character, conviction to advance the gospel and competence through my apprenticeship, so that I can be better equipped and trained to serve God in whatever context He places me, both now and in the future. 

I will be doing my MTS apprenticeship 5 days a week, including studying for a Graduate Certificate of Divinity at Ridley College. I will also be working as an audiologist ono day a week to maintain my professional registration. 

Currently, I have a special interest in seeing women leading and equipping other women. I hope to see more women growing in their love and knowledge in the Bible, and seeing more women leaders in the church. Over the next two years, I will be serving in a variety of gospel ministries at church, including: doing one-to-one Bible reading with Christians and non-Christians, having opportunities for evangelism, leading a Bible study group, creating and implementing new ministry projects, serving in children’s ministry and also other tasks that will help serve the church and advance God’s kingdom. 

All Christians are called to advance the gospel. We are coworkers with each other and partners in the gospel with God. In this context, if you are willing and able to, I ask you to partner with me by: 

  • Praying for me and with me. It is our God who can change hearts and do mighty things. All of my prayer points and ministry updates will be shared through my monthly newsletter which you can sign up through this link: http://eepurl.com/iCieK6
  • Give financially. My MTS apprenticeship is self-funded and requires support raising. The money you give is tax deductible and will help support me as I do my MTS apprenticeship. 

In all things, I hope that we will continue to persevere in our faith, loving Christ and God’s Word more each day. 

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 

In Christ, 


Prayer Points

All my prayer points are shared through my monthly newsletter. To sign up click on this link: http://eepurl.com/iCieK6 

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