Grace Flagg

Grace Flagg

Grace Flagg

$20,871.49 raised at 19 Feb 2025
13 month target at 19 Feb 2025 $24,375.00
24 month target $45,000.00

South Wagga Anglican Church | Trainer: Matthew Bailey


This year I have had many new opportunities and experiences to grow in my faith and passion of teaching the Gospel to others. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me, whether financially or through prayer,  throughout the beginning of my journey and I ask for your continued support as I continue MTS next year. I have truly enjoyed every moment of working here at SWAC, and have deepened my passion for children’s ministry.

Prayer Points

  1. Please pray as I continue to work in children’s ministry. That I may not only continue to learn so much but I also may continue to enjoy it.
  2. Please pray as I continue my studies at YWC. That I may be filled with new knowledge that will deepen my understandings of the bible and be able to find where my own view point lies as I explore my faith.
  3. Please pray that as I go through my final year of MTS that I may be able to find a place where I can continue to share the gospel with children and continue my journey in children’s ministry

Thank you for your prayers

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