Benjamin Berckelman

Benjamin Berckelman

Benjamin Berckelman

$17,640.00 raised at 26 Apr 2024
3 month target at 26 Apr 2024 $9,500.00
24 month target $76,000.00

Frenchs Forest Anglican Church | Trainer: Chris Anstiss

Hi everyone!

These next two years I’ll be doing MTS with Frenchs Forest Anglican Church!
It’s a program created to raise up ministry workers by creating opportunities to experience, train, grow and study ministry full time under the supervision of a mentor.
My goal in this is to be used to grow the Kingdom, be built up in my skills and experience and strengthened in my faith and clarity on where I can best devote myself to God in the future

Some details on my path so far:
Finished school 2015 -> did the Year 13 where I was discipled for a year to ground my faith.
Decided I want to use my life to serve in ministry.
Discussed this with a few church leaders and was encouraged to gain life experience in a secular workplace first.
Studied at UTS for a few years before being hired full time as an accountant.
Dropped the study and worked for ~2.5 years.
I’m ready now (God-willing) to get into full-time ministry with MTS being the first step.

Prayer Points

January Camps – Started off the year leading at Hydr8 (FFAC youth camp), Kedron Primary Camp and LiT (Leaders in Training)
Please pray for the youth and kids I led, that they might continue growing in faith, in particular for those that gave their lives to Christ at Kedron.

One-to-one Reading – I’m meeting with ~5 youth boys regularly to read the bible together this year, still locking in times with a couple, I’ve been really encouraged by their willingness to learn and engage with God’s word
Please pray that God would grow their excitement for God’s word, build their knowledge and understanding and enable them to apply it to their lives.

Scripture – I’ve had a couple lessons with my Scripture classes at Frenchs Forest Primary School and Wakehurst Primary School. I LOVE the classes I’m teaching, lessons have felt really clear and productive but also very fun.
Please pray that God would use these classes to reveal himself to these kids where many don’t yet know Him.

Study at Cornhill – I’ve been LOVING class at Cornhill so far, we’re going through Ephesians, 1 Corinthians, OT overview and Preaching at the moment. The Old Testament overview has been so interesting! It’s amazing how intricately God’s word is designed. I’ve been so excited to listen to sermons, read the word and share what I’m learning with people. I’ve had quite a few opportunities to share some of the highlights with some non-Christian friends recently.
Please pray that my excitement for God’s word would continue and that God would keep giving me understanding and opportunities to share with both Christians and non-Christians.

Last updated 07/03/2024

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