Benjamin Berckelman

Benjamin Berckelman

Benjamin Berckelman

$18,520.00 raised at 24 Jul 2024
6 month target at 24 Jul 2024 $19,000.00
24 month target $76,000.00

Frenchs Forest Anglican Church | Trainer: Chris Anstiss

Hi everyone!

These next two years I’ll be doing MTS with Frenchs Forest Anglican Church!
It’s a program created to raise up ministry workers by creating opportunities to experience, train, grow and study ministry full time under the supervision of a mentor.
My goal in this is to be used to grow the Kingdom, be built up in my skills and experience and strengthened in my faith and clarity on where I can best devote myself to God in the future

Some details on my path so far:
Finished school 2015 -> did the Year 13 where I was discipled for a year to ground my faith.
Decided I want to use my life to serve in ministry.
Discussed this with a few church leaders and was encouraged to gain life experience in a secular workplace first.
Studied at UTS for a few years before being hired full time as an accountant.
Dropped the study and worked for ~2.5 years.
I’m ready now (God-willing) to get into full-time ministry with MTS being the first step.

Prayer Points

My first term of MTS has been great! I’ve loved all the opportunities I’ve had to serve and disciple others!

  1. One-to-one reading with youth has been so exciting, seeing their understanding of God grow and seeing it change the way they engage at youth group and share their faith has been incredibly encouraging.

    Please pray that I’ll continue to be given these opportunities and that God will keep working in their heart.

  2. My scripture classes have also been a huge encouragement, the kids are really starting to understand the gospel and recognise who Jesus is. I’m excited to see them wrestle more with what that means for them personally this term.

    Please pray that the students would personally accept Christ into their lives.

  3. The worship night was amazing, some of our year 12s helped lead by reading, sharing their testimony, praying, and giving a short devotion.

    Praise God for the maturity of our senior youth and pray that we will all continue worshipping God with our whole lives.

  4. Studying Theology at Cornhill has easily been the highlight of term 1, I’ve learned SO much. The content we’re learning has been very applicable too, rather than just knowledge, I really feel I’m growing in my convictions and it’s directly motivating me in godliness.

    Please pray that I’ll continue growing in my understanding of God and his word, and that it will continue to impact my faith.
  1. I’ve been challenged this term on how I view the potential of the church as the body of Christ. Noticed I tend to want to organise and run everything myself the moment I see a need, but I’ve recognised that I’m limiting my view of what it means to belong to one another (Romans 12:5).

    Please pray that I would grow in my understanding of what it means to love, trust, and accommodate others.

  2. I’m really feeling the weight of personally pursuing godliness with the amount of youth and kids looking up to me.

    Please pray that God will continue to build me up and allow me to be an encouragement to everyone I am discipling.


Thank you all for partnering with me in prayer, feel free to reach out if there are ways I can be praying for any of you!

Last updated 04/05/2024

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