Benjamin Berckelman

Benjamin Berckelman

Benjamin Berckelman

$19,420.00 raised at 18 Oct 2024
9 month target at 18 Oct 2024 $28,500.00
24 month target $76,000.00

Frenchs Forest Anglican Church | Trainer: Chris Anstiss

Hi everyone!

These next two years I’ll be doing MTS with Frenchs Forest Anglican Church!
It’s a program created to raise up ministry workers by creating opportunities to experience, train, grow and study ministry full time under the supervision of a mentor.
My goal in this is to be used to grow the Kingdom, be built up in my skills and experience and strengthened in my faith and clarity on where I can best devote myself to God in the future

Some details on my path so far:
Finished school 2015 -> did the Year 13 where I was discipled for a year to ground my faith.
Decided I want to use my life to serve in ministry.
Discussed this with a few church leaders and was encouraged to gain life experience in a secular workplace first.
Studied at UTS for a few years before being hired full time as an accountant.
Dropped the study and worked for ~2.5 years.
I’m ready now (God-willing) to get into full-time ministry with MTS being the first step.

Prayer Points

  • Ministry Direction – I’ve been given some amazing opportunities this year that have trained and pointed me toward different areas of ministry that I can serve in. I’m particularly excited to invest more in camp leadership, kids church and music ministry.

Please pray that God will guide me toward the areas where I would be best placed.

  • Kedron – I’ve just returned from leading at Camp Kedron again, it’s incredible how clearly God works in these kids each term. I got to see a bunch of kids give their lives to Christ and heaps more grow in the way they live out their faith.

I’ve decided to really commit to leading at Kedron as regularly as I can, potentially as a speaker or director in the next few years.

Please pray that God will keep using Camp Kedron to bring kids into his Kingdom and that God would remove barriers for them when they return home.

  • Worship Night – We ran another worship night and got a lot of feedback that people were really encouraged.

I’d like this to be another area I’m able to prioritise as we build on and improve the nights each term.

Praise God for the opportunity to gather and worship our good God and to encourage each other through worship.

  • Speaking – I’ve been given a lot of opportunities to prepare and deliver talks over the last term. I’m feeling far more confident, equipped and reliant on God.

Please pray that I’ll continue growing in my skills and that God will use me to build others up through speaking.

  • Finances – I’m falling behind on financial support so will need push through the awkwardness and seek support

Please pray that people would respond generously.

Thank you all for partnering with me in prayer, feel free to reach out if there are ways I can be praying for any of you!

Last updated 13/10/2024


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