Alex Pan

Alex Pan

Alex Pan

$31,970.00 raised at 12 Jul 2024
6 month target at 12 Jul 2024 $18,500.00
24 month target $74,000.00

Providence City Church | Trainer: Jon Rumble

Hi friend,

Thanks for visiting my profile!

I’d love you to partner in God’s work through me and Providence City Church, whether it’s by prayer, moral support or financial contribution. The smallest financial contribution (2 Corinthians 9:7), a short prayer (James 5:16) or a quick email to say hi (Hebrews 10:24-25) all makes a huge difference!

Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you want to receive regular prayer updates, have any questions or just want to say hi.

Love, Alex

Prayer Points

  • For strong physical and mental health to persevere
  • For diligence, skill and fruit/success in the church work and study/training I get up to
  • To always be growing in love of God and others

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