“The MTS experience so far has been hard work, but good work. I’ve never been so busy!
You laugh with people, you cry with them, you point each other back to Jesus. You say yes to one more thing, unsure of how you’re going to get it done but convicted that Jesus’ sheep need feeding. You soak yourself in Bible until it’s what you’re breathing in and out. I’ve never been more aware of my sin and need for Jesus. I’ve never been more aware of others’ sin and their need for Jesus. I see every day how necessary this sort of gospel work is to grow Jesus’ people and how unnecessary I am as an individual in that. It does your head in.
I love my Allnations crew (our international student group) and the way they do everything together. I love my scripture class and their ongoing questions as we explore the bible together. I love my Women’s Growth Group as we wrestle with being ‘Bible Women’ who are defined and directed by God’s Word. I love my individual meet ups and seeing them wrestle with being shaped and changed by Jesus. I love that I’ve been freed up to do this full time.
We’re on the front lines, seeing God grow His kingdom, being part of that. MTS is dead-set the hardest thing I have ever done, but I wouldn’t trade it.”