- MTS Mission Minded – the NSW/ACT apprentice recruiting conference has grown by 45% between Oct 2017 and Oct 2019. Thank you, Lord.
- Hunter Bible Church Apprentice Target – 100 apprentices in the next 10 years.
- The G8 National Apprentice and Trainer Conference – grew from 112 in 2018 to 155 in 2019. The new “Delegation & Coaching” strand was a huge hit with the MTS Trainers.
- Mandarin MTS – 2 x apprentices kicked off in 2019. There will be 4 x apprentices, at least, in 2020 (2 x 2nd Years + 2 x 1st Years).
- Train the Trainer course online – using the Ministry Grid platform, we’ve started posting train the trainer modules online e.g. “How to set up a training year” by Jo Clark (Hunter Bible Church).
- MTS International Conference – this locked and loaded for Oct 2020. We run this conference in the same year as the Olympics. We’re expecting delegates from 10 countries to come in 2020.
- PrayerMate Subscribers – we now have 154 people praying for MTS. MTS posts daily prayer points asking God to raise up harvest workers across Australia and the world. Subscribe here
- Zimbabwe Apprenticeships grow – they’ve grown from 1 x apprentice in 2016 to 16 expected in 2020. Antony Dandato also wants to assist Uganda and Zambia in raising up MTS Apprentices
- Victorian MTS Info Nights – Ben Pfahlert & Eric Thurston trained the Victorian MTS Committee to run MTS Info Nights early 2019. The Victorians subsequently ran 3 info nights in 2019. Praise God.
- New MTS Website – the new and improved website was published in July 2019. Click here to go to the MTS website
- South African Zulu Apprentices – The Bible Talks (Uni ministry) and Trinity Church, Morningside, Durban are training 5 x Zulu apprentices in 2020. It is our prayer that God will use these Zulu leaders to reach the indigenous population of the province of KwaZulu-Natal
- Weekly Financial Reporting for scholarship apprentices – apprentices fund raising is much improved with weekly, rather than monthly, financial reporting. This change took place in term 1, 2019. The new thermometers look awesome.
- MTS September – 34 x churches prayed for harvest workers in and around September 2019. MTS September broadcasts the MTS Vision far and wide.
- MTS Malaysia – Eric Thurston spoke at the first ministry apprentice recruiting conference in November and also trained 24 prospective MTS Trainers. These conferences were hosted by Klang Valley Bible Conference.
- MTS Info Nights (NSW/ACT) – Eric Thurston ran 7 info nights this year (Caringbah, Emu Plains, Wollongong, Canberra, Rooty Hill, Beecroft & Newtown).
- PEP Groups – apprentices gathered twice a year in Sydney for prayer, encouragement and preparation (P-E-P).
- Great Chile Apprentice Numbers – 10 x FT 2 Year apprentices were training across Chile in 2019. There we zero apprentices in 2010.
- AFES Australia – want to increase their apprentice numbers between now and 2025. To increase from 101 in 2019 to approximately 155 in 2025)
- METRO Victoria formalised partnership with MTS Ltd to recruit and train more apprentices in the Presbyterian Church of Victorian using the MTS Scholarship system.