Two BIG Questions
by Scott Curtis
“About once a term at HBC we gather as trainers to refine ourselves as trainers, discuss how our apprentices are going and pray for them. We discuss a number of things, but we ask two BIG questions for clarity – one for our first years and one for our second years.
1 First Years – “What is the one big thing they need to get about ministry?”
An apprentice’s first year is when they often get hit hard with a number of new learning experiences – things like their pride, seeing ministry as people, proclamation and prayer and not merely about tasks, organisational skills, taking responsibility, learning to rest in the sovereignty of God, communicating effectively, etc.
This question helps us get clarity on the one thing we want to focus on with them at that time.
2 Second Years – “Should this person continue in some form of gospel ministry?”
While again we’ll do more than this, this question helps us to pastor our apprentices in their future. If we have concerns it helps us to pastor them in those areas. If we don’t think they will be suited (to gospel ministry), then we’ll start to help them think through ways they can keep serving Jesus with their whole lives. If we are confident in their Character, Conviction and Competency to pursue gospel ministry then it helps us to think what they might be suited for and to continue pushing them to keep taking up their cross and following Jesus.”