The Australian Federal Government has indicated that they are going to make changes to VET Fee Help.
People have contacted us and asked the question, “Will this hinder MTS?”
The short answer is, praise God, “No”.
For a more detailed answer please read below.
Vocational Bible College (MTS Blue Collar Apprentices doing Cert IV & Diploma in VET Sector)
MTS began teaching two awards in 2011/2012 under the Registered Training Organisation called “Australian College of Ministry” (ACOM).
They awards were (& still are):
Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology
Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology
In 2016, the MTS Blue Collar Ministry became its own RTO under the name of “Vocational Bible College” (VBC).
In order for VET Sector students to get Fee Help, their RTO has to apply to the government to be a “Fee Help Provider”.
Since 2011 neither ACOM or the VBC have applied to be “Fee Help Providers”.
Students studying these qualifications have always paid their fees upfront.
They have never had access to VET Fee Help.
It also looks like VET Fee Help will not be given to those studying “Christian Ministry and Theology” in the future as it is not considered one of the “main stream” awards.
Impact Summary: No Change
MTS Apprentices (Team Leader) – Studying a Certificate of Theology in the Higher Education Sector
These apprentices are doing 4 hrs of certificate level theological education each week (on average).
There are two reasons that the changes in VET Fee Help rules do not impact these apprentices:
1. The qualification is placed in the higher education sector, therefore is not subject to any changes to VET Fee Help changes.
2. These apprentices pay their fees up front directly out of the support they raise.
Impact Summary: No Change
MTS Apprentices (Team Member) – Studying a Diploma of Theology in the Higher Education Sector
These apprentices are doing, on average, 20 hrs of diploma level theological education each week.
The qualification is placed in the higher education sector, therefore is not subject to any changes to VET Fee Help changes.
Impact Summary: No Change
I praise God for those who expressed their concern.
I also praise God that the Australian Government is still allowing Fee Help to exist for theological qualifications in the Higher Education sector.
Yours in Christ,
Ben Pfahlert
Ministry Training Strategy