Partner with us in Prayer

MTS provides prayer points from apprentices, trainers, churches, and ministry partners around Australia, and around the world. Please support us in prayer as we seek to multiply gospel workers through ministry apprentices.

Friday 28 June 2024
Father, We give you thanks for people who have attended a 6 Steps to ministry apprenticeships consultation so far this year. We ask that you help them to think wisely about how to implement the next steps, and would you enable them to establish a healthy ministry training culture for the year ahead and into the future. Amen.

Saturday 29 June 2024
Dear Lord, We thank you for resourcing the MTS organisation for many years. We ask that you provide for us again this year as the EOFY Appeal nears closing. Thank you for the countless supporters of the movement – we are so grateful for them. Please help us to reach our EOFY Target so that we can continue building ministry apprenticeships to help the lost know you as Saviour. Amen.

Sunday 30 June 2024
Dear God, As we close out a financial year we rejoice in your kindness to us in giving us everything we need for life and godliness. Please continue to turn our hearts to generosity and may you use every dollar of MTS support to bring glory to Christ Jesus. Amen.

Monday 1 July 2024
Dear Lord, Thank you for the money given to the MTS Harvest Appeal this year. Please help MTS to use this money to enable effective ministry trainers for your glory. Amen.

Tuesday 2 July 2024
Dear Heavenly Father, Please give Ben Pfahlert supernatural energy by your Holy Spirit as he “coordinates” the MTS Stall at the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON Australia) held in Brisbane this week. May Ben help many pastors to put in place the essential building blocks required to raise up and train apprentices in their local churches. Amen.

Wednesday 3 July 2024
Dear God, We thank you for Carmel Vincent (MTS Events Coordinator), her skills for organisation and love for children’s ministry. Please equip and sustain her through the coming weeks as she prepares for, & takes annual leave to lead, a school holiday outreach program at her local church. Amen.

Thursday 4 July 2024
Father, We thank you for Sheridan Raston (WA) & Margie Gillham (NSW) who serve on the MTS Board. Thank you for their volunteer service to the movement as they use their gifts on the Board. Amen.

Friday 5 July 2024
Dear Lord, Thank you for the many churches across Australia running winter school holiday events for children. Please use these events to grow children in the knowledge of Jesus and bring families to faith. Please give unity to the leadership teams and build them up in discipleship. Amen.

Saturday 6 July 2024
Dear Father, Thank you for Suellen Mulham who is training Tabatha Reed as a ministry apprentice at Orange Evangelical Church. Please bless Suellen as she grows to be a great trainer and Tabatha as she trains in ministry. Help Orange Evangelical Church to raise up and train gospel workers for many years to come. Amen.

Sunday 7 July 2024
Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you for the wonderful people who work for Partners in Ministry to coach pastors and church leaders. May their coaching help their clients to watch their life and doctrine closely (1 Tim 4:16) … and in doing so result in salvation being brought to both themselves and their hearers. Amen.

Monday 8 July 2024
Dear Lord, Please help Ben Pfahlert as he prepares to speak at both the Perth men’s Convention (17th August) and the Albury Men’s Convention (24th August). May his talk edify the saints and declare salvation to the lost. Lord, by your Spirit, allow these talks to result in transformation, not just the transfer of information. May the men who hear them trust in Jesus more and more as a result. Amen.

Tuesday 9 July 2024
Dear Father, Thank you for our gospel partnership with Southside Bible Church (Canberra). Thank you for trainer Jayan Parry and his trainee Wesley Chow. Please help Southside Bible Church to continue to raise up and train gospel workers for many years to come. Amen.

Wednesday 10 July 2024
Dear Lord, Thank you for the ongoing training of women apprentices at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Bull Creek by Katherine Ollis, and for her current apprentice Adrienne Wright. Amen.

Thursday 11 July 2024
Dear Father, Thank you for the ongoing ministry of Youthworks College, and for all the current Apprentices completing theological study with Youthworks College in 2024 and please enable Youthworks College to continue to raise up and train gospel workers for your glory. Amen.

Friday 12 July 2024
Dear God, Thank you for Rebecca Cockroft (MTS Ministry Administrator). Please uplift her as she serves on MTS Staff, loves her church community and her family and is a loving sister to so many people. Amen.

Saturday 13 July 2024
Dear Lord, We thank you for the ministry of The Gospel Coalition Australia. We thank you for Rory Shiner as the Chair of the Board. Would you give him wisdom and clarity as he works with the board to see gospel workers and christians equipped to think deeply about the word and living for Jesus. Amen.

Sunday 14 July 2024
Dear Lord, We pray for the MTS Recruit Katoomba Committee. We thank you for all the work that has been done so far in preparation for this Conference. We pray that you would give wisdom and clarity to all Committee members as they plan and make decisions on how to best facilitate a Conference that would help attendees take their next step in serving Jesus with their whole lives. Amen.

Monday 15 July 2024
Dear God, We thank you for AFES university groups running their mid year camps. We pray that they will continue to have deepened campus relationships, as well as equip and stir more students to be active in making Jesus known on their campus. Amen.

Tuesday 16 July 2024
Dear God, Thank you for Ngaire Buckley (MTS Communications Coordinator). Please bless her as she uses her writing gifts to make Jesus known and build up believers in her family, friends, church, local community and to the world in publications. Amen.

Wednesday 17 July 2024
Dear Lord, Please be with Apprentices who have started their apprenticeship in mid-year 2024. Help them settle into their Apprenticeships quickly and that they will continue to be eager to serve you in their Churches. Amen.

Thursday 18 July 2024
Dear Father, We pray for our upcoming MTS Leaders Training Day (24th July) speaker Mikey Lynch, as he speaks on Thinking Theologically: The Good Life in the Last Days. Give him your wisdom as he teaches from your word. Amen.

Friday 19 July 2024
Dear Lord, We thank you for the wives of pastors and church leaders who are co-training female apprentices. Please give them endurance as they juggle many responsibilities. Please give them great joy in being used by you to raise up workers for the harvest field. Amen.

Saturday 20 July 2024
Dear Lord, We pray for theological students as they settle into a new session of study. Please grow their love of you and their passion for gospel ministry as they learn more deeply of Jesus in the Bible. Please give them relationships with their peers that will spur them on as gospel workers. Amen.

Sunday 21 July 2024
Dear Father, Thank you for the delegates that attended the MTS Info Night at Park Road Anglican Church, South Carlton, Sydney last month (13th June). We thank you for PRAC’s willingness to train up more apprentices. Please raise up scores of apprentices through this Church in the decades to come for Jesus’ glory. Amen.

Monday 22 July 2024
Dear Father, We pray for Mikey Lynch (Editorial Director of The Gospel Coalition Australia). We ask for your blessing over him, please help him to navigate the challenges well and lead his team with grace. Thank you for his continued willingness to serve you. Amen.

Tuesday 23 July 2024
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the MTS Board Members who guide the organisation behind the scenes. Thank you for their voluntary and sacrificial denial of self for the sake of Jesus and His Gospel. They are a great example of Christ like service. Lord, please raise up 4 new board members before August 2025. Thank you that Murray, Andy, Greg and David have served for 9 years straight. Please provide godly men & women to replace them. We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday 24 July 2024
Dear Lord, Thank you for all those who have been working to put on tomorrow’s MTS Leaders Training Day. Please bless the day of Apprentices and Trainers gathering together under your Word, both in person and online. Amen.

Thursday 25 July 2024
Dear Heavenly, Please give Russell Smidt great wisdom as he coordinates the training of the nation’s MTS Trainers. Help him to write and deliver resources that equip trainers really well. Help him to also mobilise our best trainers to train other trainers. Help us to be a really healthy movement of trainers where we see ‘iron sharpening iron’ all the time. Amen.

Friday 26 July 2024
Dear Lord, Please give energy to the MTS Recruit (Katoomba) Committee meeting today. Please give Committee members wisdom and faithfulness as they plan for the MTS Recruit Conference at Katoomba. Help them to work well together and make wise decisions for the Conference which glorify you. Amen.

Saturday 27 July 2024
Dear Father, Thank you for the partnership MTS has with Ridley Theological College for training MTS apprentices. Thank you that there are MTS apprentices training with Ridley Theological College and please enable Ridley Theological College to continue training and multiplying gospel workers for many years to come. Amen.

Sunday 28 July 2024
Dear Lord, Please help those apprentices and trainers who find financial support-raising difficult. Please help them develop in this necessary area of ministry. May your Holy Spirit convict them to share their concerns and ask for help. We pray in Jesus’ powerful name. Amen.

Monday 29 July 2024
Dear Father, We thank you for Jodi Brooker (MTS Executive Assistant). Please help her as she grows in her role working with MTS and bring her great joy as she serves in this way. Amen.

Tuesday 30 July 2024
Dear Father, We pray for tonight’s MTS Info Night for Church at the Peak & Christ Church Mortdale. Pray for Ben Pfahlert who will be speaking. Ask God to give wisdom to the team as they raise up the next generation of gospel workers. Amen.

Wednesday 31 July 2024
Dear Father, Please be with James Hoey as he partners with churches across Melbourne and encourages trainers, apprentices and supporters. Please enable him to speak clearly of the goodness that is found in Jesus. Amen.


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