MTS 2024 Annual Dinner Recap

On August 15th, MTS held its annual dinner. 

The dinner theme was ‘Gather, Rejoice, and Celebrate’. The event sold out 2 weeks before, and over 280 supporters attended. This included apprentices, trainers, donors and other partners in our network. The Honourable Mike Baird AO was the Keynote Speaker. Sheridan Raston (MTS Board Member) flew in from Perth to be the MC. And Greg Lee (MTS Board Chair) concluded the evening in prayer.

Ben Pfahlert (National Director) shared, “The purpose of [the dinner] is to praise God and to Gather, Rejoice and Celebrate. Gather in Jesus’ name (from all walks of life, regions, backgrounds), Rejoice in contentment, thank God for all he has done in and through the MTS movement, and Celebrate the great stories.”

 A summary of Ben’s Director’s Address can be found below.

MTS Director’s Address Summary

Strategic pivot

Over the past eight years, MTS has done a strategic pivot. The focus of the movement, and the efforts of the head office staff, used to spread across trainers, apprentices, and delegates (those considering an apprenticeship). However, from 2016 onwards we realised that it is the Trainers that are mission-critical.

MTS Vision: To win the world for Christ by multiplying Gospel Workers through ministry apprenticeships.

MTS Mission: To raise up, train and resource MTS Trainers, as they multiply Gospel Workers through ministry apprenticeships.

The work of MTS is guided by our vision and mission. Over the past 12 months, MTS has been further refining our objectives through a strategic brand (values) process looking at Who We Are.

This has further affirmed and better clarified where our energy needs to go to further that mission and vision – and it’s into MTS Trainers. Into recruiting, training and resourcing healthy Gospel Ministry Trainers. 1 Peter 5 trainers!

In 1 Peter 5:1-4 it says:

To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

The Shepherd is one of God’s people, they lead by example, they watch willingly, they have mentees entrusted to them, they are eager to serve! This is a beautiful picture of the kind of leaders we want MTS Trainers to be.

Plans for the future

Due to our Strategic Pivot, we now focus primarily on the number of TRAINERS rather than the number of APPRENTICES. Therefore, our ongoing strategic plan of Towards 2026 is also pivoting to measure trainer numbers for growth. 

In 2024 we have 171 MTS Trainers. 

In 2026 we want to have 233 MTS Trainers. 

As a result of the recent strategic work, there are many projects that MTS could action. Currently, we’re working on discerning which projects are best to pursue. 

Three, however, are bubbling to the surface as mission-critical!

We are prayerfully discerning the following:

  • MTS Trainer Journey – Developing a program to train trainers, and support them as they get started training.
  • Tables of Fellowship – Encouraging gathering of like-minded Pastors/Gospel Workers within a particular network or region who are committed to raising up, training and resourcing MTS Trainers.
  • A new website with a strong focus on the user experience – A better website that focuses on the people using it! 

We are praying that God would supply $320,000 between now and December 31st to help us see this Vision & Mission come to fruition.

Will you help us:

  • Raise up, train and resource MTS Trainers as they multiply Gospel Workers through ministry apprenticeships?
  • Raise up 233 Trainers by 2026?

Please prayerfully consider how you can partner with MTS for the long term! Become a financial partner here.